Licensing Changes - April 2021

Licensing Changes

In building CORE, we tried to take into consideration the best interests of Cache County and our constituents. As such, we have discovered that while CORE does work well for the vast majority of people, there are a few common issues with licensing that we decided to address.

Previous Licensing

  1. Users cannot login without confirming their account via a link sent to their email.
  2. Users cannot login without licensing.
  3. Users must purchase licensing before logging in.
  4. After a user successfully logs in, that user holds onto that license as long as their browser window is open and responding to the server.
  5. Users can use the Public Search to get most basic information about a parcel.

New Licensing

  1. Users cannot login without confirming their account via a link sent to their email. (Same as before)
  2. Users can login without licensing, but they cannot Parcel Search or Document Search without licensing.
  3. Users can only purchase licensing after successfully logging in. (This allows us to autofill the payment page with an email that matches a user's CORE account.)
  4. After a user successfully logs in, that user won't acquire a license until they navigate to Parcel Search or Document Search.
  5. After a user acquires a license, that user won't lose that license until the user navigates away from Parcel Search or Document Search and their license times out and another user needs it, the user logs out or manually removes the license, or the user is kicked out by the license pool administrator.
  6. Users can use the Public Search to get most basic information about a parcel. (Same as before)

Licensing Status Color Guide

Another new feature we have added is the ability for users to see their licensing status while logged into their account.

Color Guide

  • Not occupying a license
  • Occupying a license but subject to timeout. When yellow, users can remove their license faster by clicking the "Remove My License" link underneath the dropdown that appears when the user clicks their email address in the top menu.
  • Occupying a license indefinitely